Some old machines aren't coping well with OpenGL.
You can make POWAIR not use OpenGL by setting a flag file.
- Open a new Explorer window. (file manager).
- Go to %PUBLIC%\Documents\Sound Radix\POWAIR.
- Right click within the folder and select New > Text Document.
- Name your text-document as "POWAIR.txt"
- Double click on it and save the following text into to it: DO_NOT_USE_OPEN_GL
- Save the document.
Next time you'll open POWAIR it'll open without utilizing OpenGL.
To get OpenGL back on you can simply remove the text-file.
- Open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal
- Copy and paste the following:
echo DO_NOT_USE_OPEN_GL > /Users/Shared/Sound\ Radix/POWAIR/POWAIR.txt
To get OpenGL back on you can write the following the terminal:
rm /Users/Shared/Sound\ Radix/POWAIR/POWAIR.txt