1. Close any host using Audio Units.
2. Open 32 Lives, under Utilities menu, click Clear Audio Units Cache.
* If needed you should also use the Clear Legacy Audio Units Cache.
3. Re-open your host.
Unlike Audio Units, VST is being cached by each host.
Steinberg Cubase 8.x
1. Open Cubase.
2. Under Devices -> Plug-In Manager click Reset (X) Icon.
* If you don't see it click the Settings Icon near the (i)nformation icon.
3. Quit Cubase and Relaunch.
1. Open Cubase.
2. Under Devices menu, click Plug-In Information and choose VST Plug-Ins tab.
3. Click Update Plug-In Information.
2. Under the Studio menu, click VST Plug-In Manager.
4. Click the Blacklist tab and Click the Refresh icon.
Ableton Live
1. Open Ableton Live.
2. Select Preferences (Mac: under Live menu, Windows: under Options menu).
4. Make sure 'Use VST2 Plug-Ins System Folder', 'Use VST3 Plug-Ins System Folder' and 'Use Audio Units' are set correctly.
Studio One 3
1. Open Studio One and open a song.
2. Make sure Browse is open and you're seeing the browser on your right.
4. Click Update Plug-Ins. This should rescan your plug-ins.
5. Click Reset Blacklist and click Yes.
6. Close Studio One and reopen.
1. Open REAPER
2. Open Preferences.
3. Open Plug-Ins -> VST from the left list.
4. Click Clear cache/re-scan.
* When using resurrected plug-ins make sure they don't have (x86) suffix which is used only by REAPER's own bridge.
1. Open Logic.
2. In Logic Pro X menu select Preferences and then Plug-In Manager.
3. Locate and select the plug-in.
4. Click Reset & Rescan Selection.
FL Studio 20:
1. Open FL Studio.
2. Click "Add" and select "Manage Plugins".
3. Click "Find more plugins".